河北-邯郸 | 招2人 | 性别: 不限 | 2020-03-13发布
关于我们 河北恒成紧固件有限公司(前身邯郸恒发紧固件制造有限公司)成立于1998年,坐落于中国最大的紧固件生产基地—河北永年,是一家专业生产和销售紧固件类产品的大型实体企业,主要产品包括干壁钉,钻尾螺丝,螺栓,螺母,内迫壁虎,外迫壁虎,冷镦异形件等。公司占地面积70000平米,在职员工达150人,其中有高级技师30人,专业的销售团队20人。公司采用世界一流的生产设备,包括冷镦成型机,原材料拉拔机,退火炉,网带热处理炉以及其他配套设备。年产量达50000吨,是华北地区生产规模最大的紧固件企业之一。 公司于2005年取得自营进出口权,并率先通过ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证。产品被国家工商部门先后认定为“河北省著名商标”和“河北省名牌产品”。公司以出口为主导,产品销往韩国,日本,美国,东南亚,非洲等全球超过80个国家和地区。公司注册商标“恒发HF”在国内外具有较高的知名度,是众多客户的首选品牌。为客户提供更好的产品和服务是公司始终不变的宗旨,欢迎广大客户莅临我公司参观指导。 有恒者,成! About Us Hebei Hengcheng Fastener Co., Ltd (originally Handan Hengfa Fastener Manufacturing Co., Ltd) was established in Hebei Yongnian in 1998, specializing in the productions and sales of fasteners including drywall screw, self-drilling screw, bolts, nuts, drop in anchor, strong anchor, and customized cold forging parts. The company covers an area of 70,000 square meters with about 150 staff at present, and among which there are over 30 senior technicians and 20 salesmen. To guarantee the quality, the company applies the world-advanced facilities for production including machines of cold forging, hot forging, wire drawing,annealing, heat treatment and other ancillary equipment. With more than 20 years’ development, the company becomes one of the largest manufacturing enterprises in the fastener industry with an output amounting to 50000 tons per year. The company has passed the ISO9001:2008 international quality system certification, and products have acquired CE certificates of EU. The trade mark “HF” is honored “Well-Known Trade Mark of Hebei Province”, meanwhile, the product is honored “Famous-Brand Product” by the Authority. The company is an export-oriented enterprise and the products are exported to more than 80 countries and regions, such as South Korea, Japan, America, Southeast Asia, Middle East and Africa and enjoyed a good reputation among customers. The company is dedicated to supply the best products and services to customers and would like to express sincere invitation to friends from all over the world. Hengcheng leads to success! Perseverance leads to success! Development history发展历程 1998 成立邯郸市恒发紧固件制造有限公司Handan Hengfa Fastener Manufacturing Co.,Ltd?was established. 2003 “恒发”商标被省工商局认定为河北省著名商标The trade mark “HF” was honored “Well-Known Trade Mark of Hebei Province”. 2005 取得自营进出口权The company obtained?the rights of?import and export.? 2006 进口一流冷镦设备,成为华北地区最大的螺母生产企业The company imported first-class cold heading equipment,and?became?one of the largest production enterprises?for nuts in north China.? 2009 成立河北恒成紧固件有限公司The company renewed it’s name to Hebei Hengcheng Fastener Co.,Ltd. 2013 产品被省工商局认定为河北省名牌产品The products?was honored?“Famous-Brand Product of Hebei Province”. 2014 成立干壁钉/钻尾螺丝生产和销售团队The company began producing Drywall screw and Self-drilling screw. 2018 干壁钉/钻尾螺丝类产品年产量突破1万吨The annual production capacity for Drywall screw and self-drilling screw exceeds 10,000mt.?
恒发公司是本区域螺母生产的大型企业,位于107国道永年段洺河桥北1公里处,东邻京深高速公路,南邻青红高速公路309国道,西邻京广铁路,交通十分便利 最近公司引进台湾六模加长高速冷镦机,生产内爆壁虎管、罗拉、套筒、盖母、尼龙锁紧螺母、发兰母等高难异型母。添补本区域空白,为我县的标准件升级、上档再加助力。 公司产品高强螺母、拉光螺母、国标螺母深受用户好评。产品销往全国各地,出口美国、韩国等国家,深受外商信赖。公司产品规格齐全,质量可靠,是本区域的标志产品。 公司管理先进,通过ISO9001-2000质量认证,是中国机械零部件工业协会会员。有自营进出口权,标准件行业的十大纳税大户,在本行业声誉信誉特优。
联系电话:020-38861363 38861343
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